Guest Post: Rhonda Hopkins #WinterofZombie
So I’ve been thinking. Yeah, I know. That can lead to dangerous situations. (Or funny, considering what a klutz I can be.) But hopefully not this time. This time, I’m actually trying to think of things I might need to know to keep me out of trouble in the event of an apocalypse. I know those zombies are just around the corner! And writing about the zombie apocalypse, I need to know at least these basics (or know where to get the info). I’m always coming up with something that I need to know when writing. Thank goodness for the internet and experts that are willing to offer up their knowledge.
Anyway, there are some skills that would definitely be valuable after TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World As We Know It). Now I know I can’t learn all of this. At least not quickly. But maybe having one or two skills to barter when cash is worth less than a pile of manure (after all, you can you manure for fertilizing) might be essential to survival.
So what kinds of things will we need? Here are a few of the things I think will be important skills and knowledge (things I’ve had to research while writing theSURVIVAL series or have on my list to research for my next book) in no particular order:
Farming — growing crops/gardening and raising livestock
Butchering (I hope someone else knows how to do this because it’s not on my want-to-know-skills list. But you do what you got to do, right?)
Curing/Tanning Animal Skins
How to Store and Preserve Foods – canning, drying, curing, pickling, etc.
Making Soaps/Candles/Cleaning Supplies
Mechanical Knowledge
Knowledge of Solar Power
How to Operate a Ham Radio
Knowledge of Weapons – how to use, clean, and maintain
First Aid
Now I know I’m not likely to learn how to set up a building to function on solar power, but there are a few things I can do, and most of you can do, to be more self-sufficient in a world turned upside down. For instance, we can all learn about self-defense, take a first aid class, learn to prepare and store food without a refrigerator or other appliances.
We can learn about a weapon or two. I already know how to handle my Glock, so adding one or two other weapons to that shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve fired other handguns when target shooting with friends. And I’m pretty good with a bow and arrow. I’d love to learn to use a crossbow effectively.
I’ve also gathered quite a collection of eBooks on canning and food prep as well as candle and soap making. So, I need to start putting those to use. And my aunt’s been trying to get me to let her teach me to crochet. I think it might be time. Hey! Those crochet hooks and knitting needles can become weapons if needed!
By the way – did you know you can make a candle out of a stick of butter in an emergency? While this might not help during an apocalypse, it might help if the electricity goes off and you don’t have any candles in the house.
Even if you never need any of these for a zombie apocalypse, just think how handy these survival skills could be in your everyday life. At least you’ll be a well-rounded person with a lot of different expertise for others to admire. So take a few classes, watch a few videos, read some books, and practice.
So that’s it. What did I miss? Let me know in the comments what skills or knowledge you think will be important after a zombie apocalypse.
Award-winning author, Rhonda Hopkins, has learned firsthand that truth is stranger than fiction. Her two decades of experience as an investigator provide her characters with a depth and realism that gives truth a run for its money. Having come in contact with the best and the worst that society has to offer, Rhonda’s imagination is filled with story ideas. Rhonda writes horror, suspense, paranormal, and YA urban fantasy. She is the author of the zombie apocalypse series, SURVIVAL, and the award-winning paranormal novella, THE CONSUMING. She also has a non-fiction book, NAVIGATING FAMILY COURT: IN THE BEST INTEREST OF YOUR CHILD, to assist those going through custody litigation.
You can connect with Rhonda at:
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